Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Coming Clean on What I've Been Up To Recently

So you probably noticed I haven't been blogging. Some of you probably heard that I'm no longer with SHIFT. I figured I ought to come clean about what I've been up to these days.

SHIFTing Away...

Those of you who know me well know that I have been doubting my decision to do PR since I SHIFTed from Topaz Partners to the better-known SHIFT Communications in May. I got very little out of the practice of public relations as it tends to be done in agencies; and I found myself wanting my work to have more meaning--there was a reason, every internship I had in college was at a non-profit. I always thought I'd end up in cause marketing or PR.

As I transitioned away from SHIFT this past November, I wasn't really sure what direction to turn. I felt a bit burned out with traditional smile and dial form of public relations and I wondered how far my social media skills could really carry me.

My Media AWAKENing

I've known of Media Awaken since its founding in last June. Since then, I've been privileged to get to know its founder Maria Thurrell. Her passion for social media and her supreme belief in an individual's ability to conceive and inact change inspired me. I joined Maria and Media Awaken full time as of the first of this month, and I couldn't be happier to combine my public relations training with a company and founder that share my vision of what work should be about.

Sandying Also Means...

Finance. Finance and retail. Last January (2008), an acquaintance of mine told me he was starting his own personal finance website for young adults, namely college co-eds and recently dubbed professionals. Jared and I became fast friends, and I became advisor to his company YouBux, LLC.  Now, I am the VP of Marketing at YouBux.  Although, we're currently in the process of a site redesign, take a look at the site and let me know what's good!  If there's a topic you'd like more information on, please let me know--I work with Jared to develop the content for the site.  

Retail too?  I've been helping my yoga studio, Prana Power Yoga, out with their retail and merchandising.  Basically, I put together the orders and make all the stuff look pretty.   I'll take and post pictures the next time I'm in each studios, so everyone can see my work.  It's fun to have an opportunity to play with colors, instead of just words.  :-)

***I'll be back posting a few big events from my dark period last month, including my new column at Media Bullseye!


MaThurrell said...

I am trilled that Sandy is joining the Media Awaken team. We are going to do amazing things together!! Welcome Sandy :-)

Jayvee said...

Well, that explains alot! Your Tweet not too long ago was somewhat cryptic in nature. I didn't realize you left SHIFT, but I'm glad you branched out. Last we spoke you were toying with a few ideas and it seems you're seeing a few opportunities through. Best of luck!

Kait said...

Power to the non-profit PR-ers...PR-ers? :) Good luck to you, Sandy!

Sandy said...

@JayVee It's so exciting to finally find a place where I actually fit.

@Kait rock on to the nonprofit PR-ers (it totally works)!