Sunday, October 28, 2007

My First Podcamp--Overview

Today was the final day of Podcamp Boston 2--an unConference for social media types. And I have a lot of thoughts I'd like to share with everyone out there.

I went to a number of great sessions, including Mitch Joel on Building Your Personal Brand, Beth Kanter on measuring social media success, Doug Haslam and Bryan Person on PR in social media, Laura Fitton on presentations and your audience, Neil Gorman gave a session entitled, "Broken Toasters, Will Shatner, And Podcaster Burnot," and finally, there was Isabel Hilborn's "Crappy Web 2.0 Marketing."

I'm planning posts on my reactions to these sessions, but also to the space between these sessions that lead to some pretty interesting conversations too.

However, tonight is game four of the World Series, so my TV is on. And my typing is consequently is my attention...

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