Monday, October 4, 2010

Now, Where was I?

I've started three or more blog posts since I've last actually posted (in August -- ). And unfortunately, none of them have survived my recent battles with Firefox. It appears that having a high volume of windows and tabs open is incompatible with blogger's autosave feature.

I lost half a post about practicing / not practicing on an injury, my first experience with the famed Natasha (Rizopoulos), and a little ditty on how teaching (and practicing) different styles has made me better all around.

Losing work is disheartening, but now I'm just behind on blogging my exploits. I need to put my thoughts down on Johnny Gillespie (now two weekends ago). I still haven't written anything about Global Mala / Yoga Reaches Out, and I've been meaning to (three weekends ago). And I've got to share the video of my cousin proposing to his girlfriend because it's amazing!

So, I'm sorry for my techno-fail disappearing act. But there's lots of good stuff coming!

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